When other photographers might put their valuable camera gear away as storms approach or darkness prevails, landscape photographer Scott Leggo stays out, often capturing moody moments as the light and conditions change.
Photos Scott Leggo
“To capture these moments I often waited patiently, sometimes over many days, for the best light, the optimum weather conditions,” Scott says.
Previously a diplomat and in the Air Force, Canberra-based Scott is an exceptional aviation photographer. He has won more than 100 national and international awards, and been featured in OUTBACK’s annual wall calendar. We have selected these primarily red and gold images from his recently released book, Australia – A Photographic Journey.
“Exploring these locations enables me to slow down and reconnect to the natural world and appreciate the beauty that is all around us,” Scott says.
This story excerpt is from Issue #141
Outback Magazine: February/March 2022